miércoles, 6 de junio de 2007

Gilbert and George. Source of inspiration.

We are only humans sculptors in that we get up every day,
walking sometimes, reading rarely, eating often, thinking always,
smoking moderately, enjoying enjoyment, looking, relaxing to see,
loving nightly, finding amusement, encouraging life, fighting boredom,
being natural, daydreaming, travelling along, drawing occasionally,
talking lightly, tea drinking, felling tired, dancing sometimes,
philosophising a lot, criticising never, whistling tunefully,
dying very slowly, laughing nervously, greeting politely,
and waiting till the day breaks.

Gilbert and George. 1970.

Tate Modern. Mayo 2007. Exhibición Gilbert and George.
la presencia del artista en su obra
pero no como creador
sino como material de construcción
como los ladrillos de los edificios en lodres
hoy decidimos que Gilbert and George
y sus esculturas vivientes
será una de nuestras inspiraciones

Tate Modern. May 2007. Gilbert and George Exhibition.
the artist’s presence in his work
but not as the creator
but as material for the construction
just like the bricks in London buildings
today we decided that Gilbert and George
and their living sculptures
will be one of our inspirations

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